Technical Concerns

Find answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Dutch Boy® and common painting problems.

In general, it is not okay to do so. Because of paint incompatibility, the solvent-based paint will cause the water-based paint to wrinkle.

Often caused by wrong termination techniques and/or paint dilution, you may minimize the occurrence of lap marks by using a “W’ or “M” pattern when roller painting. Doing so will help spread the paint and create an even film.

Treat mildew growth with disinfectants or a 1:3 solution of laundry bleach to water, respectively. Let stay for twenty-four (24) hours then wash off residue with water. Allow all cleaned surfaces to dry before painting.

Please visit our Painting Tips article for more tips on Painting and Surface Preparation.

Putty small cracks with Dutch Boy® Tex-A-Crete™ Cast #3211 for exterior and Dutch Boy® Nalcrete™ Concrete Putty #7211 for interior. For larger cracks, consult a professional and apply corrective civil works.

Please visit our Painting Tips article for more tips on Painting and Surface Preparation.

Cover all areas with one (1) layer of Dutch Boy® Concrete Conditioner #6100. Let dry for two (2) hours before applying the topcoat.

Please visit our Painting Tips article for more tips on Painting and Surface Preparation

Store leftover paint properly for future use. Do not dump paints into drains or open bodies of water. 

If you have a question or an answer that has not been included in the list, please sent it to us by filling up our Contact Us form and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as we can.